Published September 29, 2023 | Version 0.1
Project deliverable Open

E-RIHS IP D5.3 E-RIHS ERIC Catalogue of Service: Approach and Advancement

  • 1. National Research Council
  • 2. Institute for Nuclear Research


Work package leader:

  • 1. National Research Council
  • 2. National Gallery London
  • 3. Hellenic Open University


Based on the experience of IPERION HS and other research infrastructures, the E-RIHS service catalogue will be built as a standalone platform and it will have two components: the frontend, that will have a user-friendly interface and the backend that will be composed of a system of dashboards and BI tools for monitoring the performance of the access provision over time.

The E-RIHS service catalogue will be implemented with a FAIR data management and in a way to be easily integrated and connected with the EOSC environment.


D5.3_E-RIHS IP_E-RIHS ERIC Catalogue of Services_Approach and Advancement.pdf

Additional details


European Commission
E-RIHS IP – European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science Implementation Phase 101079148


  • E-RIHS PP D8.1 Catalogue of E-RIHS resources and services, Meghini C., Benassi L., Galeotti M, et al., DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4002040