Published September 28, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Pierwsze stwierdzenie modraszka wikramy Pseudophilotes vicrama (Moore, 1865) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) w Bieszczadach Zachodnich

  • 1. Markowa 1498, 37-120 Markowa, Polska, e-mail:
  • 2. Bieliny 21, 26-670 Pionki, Polska


First record of Eastern Baton Blue Pseudophilotes vicrama (Moore, 1865) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in the Western Bieszczady Mts. The paper presents first observation of Eastern Baton Blue Pseudophilotes vicrama (Moore, 1865) in the Western Bieszczady Mts. A single individual was observed on the top of Połonina Wetlińska Range. This site is located approx. 30 km north-east of the known sites in Slovakia and approx. 35 km north of the sites in Ukraine. At the only two known and historical sites in the Podkarpacie Region, near Pruchnik and Jarosław, the species was last observed before 1960.



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