Published September 27, 2023 | Version v1
Lesson Open

Success Story 3. High-performance modular battery packs for sustainable urban electromobility [Project: HELIOS; Expert: Leila C.W. Muchanga-Hvelplund]

  • 1. Trust-IT


HELIOS aims at developing and integrating innovative materials, designs, technologies and processes to create a new concept of smart, modular and scalable battery pack for a wide range of electric vehicles used in urban electromobility services, from mid-size full-electric vehicles to electric buses, with improved performance, energy density, safety and Levelized Cost of Storage (LCoS).

This project aims to:

  • Developing new technologies in the field of advanced materials, Li-ion batteries, thermal management, power electronics, sensors and ICTs, which combined allow to the creation of a new concept of standardised, modular and scalable hybrid Liion battery pack for urban electromobility applications, ranging from mid-size vehicles to electric buses, with improved performance, autonomy, safety and LCoS, and minimum carbon footprint.
  • Creating new eco-designs and processes, which facilitate its reuse in second-life applications and further recycling at its EoL, contributing to a circular and integrated supply chain in the EU for the fabrication of battery packs, as well as effective and sustainable models for urban electromobility.
  • Demonstrating the effectiveness of the solution in relevant use cases for urban electromobility, such as EV cars e-Bus fleets.

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European Commission
HELIOS – High-pErformance moduLar battery packs for sustaInable urban electrOmobility Services 963646
European Commission – Standardisation Booster for H2020 & HE research results 101058391