Published October 11, 2023 | Version extended
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Data of Medical Devices and In Vitro Diagnosis (IVD) - I dati dei dispositivi medici e della In Vitro Diagnosis (IVD)

  • 1. SIPMeL


8° CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SIPMeL, Dati, algoritmi e informazioni dalla Medicina di Laboratorio per il processo decisionale clinico, Riva del Garda, 9-11 Ottobre 2023

mercoledi’ 11/10/2023 09:45 – 10:30 Sessione parallela 13 a cura del Gruppo di Studio Management Sanitario-HTA, Risk e Comunicazione (GdS-MS), in collaborazione con il Gruppo di Studio Medicina di Genere (GdS-MdG) e il Gruppo di Studio Informatica (GdS-I)

The clinician’s view of digital data management in the medical laboratory is undoubtedly more important for quality and patient safety than that of the laboratory itself. This is clear from international standards: European standards such as the International Patient Summary (IPS) and the Pharmacotherapy Decision Support System (CEN ISO/TS 22756:2020), alongside numerous international standards. The relevant ISO document families originated in the 1980s. The ISO Open Systems Interconnection (ISO-OSI) model is the basis for the standards on system interconnection. Attention was then directed to the functional content of interconnections, i.e. interoperability. ISO has provided standards for interoperability in various fields, such as drugs and various objects. CLSI recently published the document AUTO17, dedicated to semantic interoperability for in vitro diagnostic systems.


Extended presentation 27 slides



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