Published September 25, 2023 | Version v1
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PRECINCT White Paper

  • 1. Inlecom Commercial Pathways; PRECINCT


This white paper is intended to support the discussion on this topic and present the perspective of the EU H2020 funded PRECINCT research project ( This project investigated the complexities of interrelationships between CIs and how to manage the impacts of cascading effects as a result of hazardous events, with the goal of enabling rapid recovery. The project brought together a broad range of stakeholders from across the CI ecosystem, including industrial actors and research providing organisations. In this way, the project was able to gather varying perspectives and insights from this strong, cross-industry consortium on the topic of interconnected CI and develop meaningful technological solutions to address the associated challenges. This white paper aims to ensure the learnings from this project are shared with interested stakeholders across the community and considered when developing future policy and industry standards in relation to the protection of CI.


2023 Precinct White paper A4 (1).pdf

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European Commission
PRECINCT – Preparedness and Resilience Enforcement for Critical INfrastructure Cascading Cyberphysical Threats and effects with focus on district or regional protection 101021668