Published December 20, 2022 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Dynamics and maintenance of categorical responses in primary auditory cortex during task engagement

  • 1. Ecole Normale Superieure


Data collector:


  • 1. Ecole Normale Superieure


Source data used in the paper: "Dynamics and maintenance of categorical responses in primary auditory cortex during task engagement" (BiorXiv, 2022), Chillale RK, Shamma S, Ostojic S, Boubenec Y. (doi:

This data repository contains following folders: 
- Pelardon (Ferret-P) and Timanoix(Ferret-T) as described in the figures of the paper
- Each folder contains sub-folders 1. Spike_soring and 2. TrialStructures and Channels_all.mat and SessionsInfo_AllSess.mat
- This data can used to generate figures in the paper using publicly available code ( 
- Spike_sorting folder contains recording sessions corresponding to SessionInfo_AllSess.mat file  with the session number mentioned in the code
- Each Spike_sorting folder contains files
- TrialStructure folders corresponds to behavioral files corresponding to the recording sessions



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