Published July 31, 2023 | Version 2023 1.2
Book Open

101 creative ideas to use AI in education, A crowdsourced collection

  • 1. University of Leeds
  • 2. University of Calgary
  • 3. University of Macedonia


This open crowdsourced collection by #creativeHE presents a rich tapestry of our collective thinking in the first months of 2023 stitching together potential alternative uses and applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that could make a difference and create new learning, development, teaching and assessment opportunities.  

Experimentation is at the heart of learning, teaching and scholarship. Being open to diverse ideas will help us make novel connections that can lead to new discoveries and insights to make a positive contribution to our world. Ideas shared may be in its embryonic stage, but worth exploring further through active and creative inquiry.  

We would like to illuminate the importance of responsible, critical and ethical use of AI in education settings and more generally. 

We are grateful for all 101 contributions from 19 countries: Australia, Canada, China, Egypt, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Italy, Ireland, Jordan, Liberia, Mexico, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom and the US.

A special thank you to Bushra Hashim for the beautiful design.

Suggested citation: Nerantzi, C., Abegglen, S., Karatsiori, M. and Martinez-Arboleda, A. (Eds.) (2023). 101 Creative ideas to use AI in education. A collection curated by #creativeHE. Graphic Design by Bushra Hashim. CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0.

As the collection is made available under the Creative Commons License CC-BY-NC-SA license, anybody can use the collection as open data to further interrogate the use of AI in Education. Please share any resulting outcomes with the editorial team and the wider community. 


The editors


“This collection represents vision; it embodies creativity. The importance of perspective and community of practice comes to life here in the breadth of examples demonstrating creative ideas to use AI in education. As we explore how we design new experiences for our learners and differentiate opportunities to engage in new ways, we have an opportunity to push our own boundaries and explore. We can collaborate, radically. This is a collection that will only grow as we shift our own practice and as we allow ourselves to experiment and iterate for a transformational student experience.” Dr Margaret Korosec, Dean of Online and Digital Education, University of Leeds. 


2023_06_22_101 101 creative ideas on using AI in Education.pdf