Published September 27, 2018 | Version v1
Conference paper Restricted

Young Researcher's View of Augmented Reality Based on Quantitative Analysis of Articles at Google Scholar in the Last 30 Years


The aim of this paper is to provide insight into quantitative analysis of articles about augmented reality (AR), with the purpose to give a clearer view for future study to young researchers. In addition, potential of AR is perceived from a young researcher’s point of view with the same purpose. The authors conducted a comprehensive analysis of number of articles dealing with AR on Google Scholar in the last 30 years. A comparison with number of articles mentioning virtual reality and mixed reality is conducted, too. Furthermore, the authors carried out analyses about the number of articles dealing with roles of AR in human activities, and with AR per industrial categories. The research gives reasonable ground to expect that AR is a long-term technical route which will continue developing in the next years. Accordingly, the authors provide a concise report with suggestions to young researchers.



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