Published December 26, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Urbanization as a cultural process and a value phenomenon

  • 1. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University


Urbanization and scientific and technological progress have increased the influence of the new social reality on the individual and society. There comes a historical period when the absolute majority of citizens of the entire planet will live in cities, which in itself is a global phenomenon. This will lead to a fundamental revision of the urban mentality, which is currently experiencing a period of strong influence of the outgoing traditional thinking. The article reveals the topic of the influence of urbanization on the formation of cultural and axiological aspects of mentality. The article discusses the issue of positive and negative changes occurring in the way of thinking of newly arrived urban residents, and inconsistencies in understanding between the rural and urban worldview. The actors of the formation of urban culture and values are considered, as well as the prospects for their further development. The author concludes that the clash of values of traditional society and urban society can be compared with the clash of the cults of tradition and the cult of innovation. These two main components of human psychology change places in the course of urbanization. It becomes obvious that the process of urbanization is not unlimited.



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