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Published September 11, 2023 | Version v1
Software Open

ENVISION Open platform

  • 1. DRAXIS


ENVISION offers a ready-to-market commercial platform of services, co-designed and co-created with PAs and CBs, fit to address their needs. In particular, ENVISION provides PAs and CBs with a robust and cost-efficient set of services allowing them to monitor continuously and systematically the agricultural land, shifting the focus from fragmented monitoring limited to specific fields and dates (or time window) to territory-wide and all-year-round monitoring. Acting as a trailblazer for organisations that monitor environmental- and climate- friendly agricultural practices stemming from CAP, ENVISION increases the effectiveness of risk-based analysis for the selection of farms for inspection; increases the efficiency and transparency of PAs and CBs’ procedures when implementing the CAP; reduces the number of on-site visits by performing more targeted controls and reduces operational and administrative costs.

The ENVISION platform is open-source under the MIT license and incorporates and serves the ENVISION services identifying whether a declared agricultural parcel complies with the eligibility conditions related to an agricultural activity or a crop type, and provide information on potential cases of non-compliance.




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ENVISION – Monitoring of Environmental Practices for Sustainable Agriculture Supported by Earth Observation 869366
European Commission