Scientific heritage of belarusian agrarian science in the information products of the CSAL
The article presents the results of the analysis of publications of Belarusian scientists from the collection of the Central Scientific Agricultural Library, presented in the card complex-system catalog (CSC) and the AGROS database. In the era of card catalogs, the CSC was notable for its uniqueness, as it combines the best qualities of subject and systematic catalogs. The CSC reveals the problem taken as a whole, collecting in one place all the information on the subject, book and article material, which is convenient for a user. The publications included in the heading "Belarus" of the geographical section of the CSC were analyzed. The CSC was mothballed in 2000 and is only used for retrospective searches. The current document flow (since 1992) is reflected in the electronic catalog and the AGROS polythematic database. The bibliometric analysis of publications on agricultural issues by Belarusian authors presented in the AGROS database was carried out.
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- Pirumova L. N., Sadovskaya L. K., Sidorenko T. A. From the development history of linguistic support of the CSAL information retrieval system: integrated system catalog. Nauchnye agrarnye biblioteki v sovremennykh usloviyakh: problemy, perspektivy, innovatsii, tekhnologii: sbornik dokladov mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii (21–22 oktyabrya 2015 g., Moskva) [Scientific agricultural libraries in modern conditions: problems, prospects, innovations, technologies: collection of reports of the international scientific conference (October 21–22, 2015, Moscow)]. Moscow, 2015, pp. 89–102 (in Russian).
- Dlugach G. V. Complex system catalog: principles and methods of construction. Moscow, 1963. 123 p. (in Russian).
- Pirumova L. N. Databeses of Central Scientific Agricultural Library in information support to research on agro-industrial complex problems. Mezhdunarodnyi sel'skokhozyaistvennyi zhurnal = International Agricultural Journal, 2019, no. 5, pp. 61–68 (in Russian). 2019-15088.