Published September 11, 2023 | Version 1
Dataset Open

Forestry and Biodiversity monitoring in Lithuania with hyperspectral camera and UAV


  • 1. ART21


Acquisition dates: to be updated.

Location: Scots pine and mixed forest in Lithuania

Camera data: 

Spectral Range  400 – 1000 nm

Spectral sampling  2.68 nm

Spectral resolution  5.5 nm

Fore lens focal length  15 mm

Field of view  38 deg

Spectral bands  224

Spatial pixels  1024

Flight altitude: 70 m

Spatial resolution: 0.05 m/pixel


 The dataset consists of pine tree forest hyperspectral imaging data acquired with a UAV on several dates. 

The data from each UAV flight are given as a separate dataset. 

Each dataset consists of raw and processed hyperspectral imaging data. The raw data include calibration images of white reference and dark background, raw hyperspectral images, and information on the UAV flight path. 

TheSPECIM CaliGeoPRO software was used to process raw images into hyperspectral data cubes, which are provided in the format ENVI standard. 

Each flight data will come as a separate hyperlink to the storage.

zip file structure (folders):
calibration - holds the radiometric calibration ENVI type file (raster of size 1x1024)
capture - raw camera capture data, navigation files, log file.
metdata, results - config and empty folder
out - holds generated ENVI data cube raster file.



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European Commission
ICAERUS – Innovations and Capacity building in Agricultural Environmental and Rural Uav Services 101060643