Published July 21, 2017 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

High-z protocluster survey by Subaru/HSC

  • 1. NAOJ


We are now conducting a systematic survey for high-redshift (z > 3) protoclusters using the extremely wide imaging data produced by the Subaru/Hyper Suprime Cam. The goal of the HSC protocluster survey is to trace redshift evolution of cluster galaxies up to z~6 with very high number statistics (10~20 protoclusters per redshift bins at z> 2) as well as to see a possible variety of protoclusters ( 1000 protoclusters at z~4) at the same redshift. We applied an effective method to find significant overdense regions
of g-dropout galaxies at z 4 based on a high surface number density. We have found 179 protocluster candidates with more than 4 overdensity significance over 121 deg2 of the initial HSC data release for the wide layer. I will report the current status of the survey and initial results.



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