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Published September 6, 2023 | Version 0
Book Open

የዘርዓ ያዕቆብ ሐተታ



In the mid of the 18th century, a catholic missionary that traveled to Ethiopia would claim to have found two books of philosophy that were written in Geez-Hateta Zer'a Yaekob (the treatise of Zer'a Yaekob) and Hateta Wolde Heywot (the treatise of Wolde Heywet). The former was supposed to have been written in the 1660's. He sent the books to a scholar in France who studied the books. The books were received with surprise and were also translated into several languages. Some of the scholars that studied the books would later doubt the authenticity of the books and the interest in them subsided until another scholar of philosophy of Canadian origin, Claude Sumner, rekindled the interest by publishing several scientific articles on the philosophy of Zer'a Yaekob.
The writer heard about the treatise of Zer'a Yaekob but didn't have the chance to study them until the writer got a copy of a book containing both Zer'a Yaekob's and Wolde Heywet's Hateta's back in 2012. The book was in Geez. The writer invested sometime into them then in spite of limited skill in Geez. The writer could translate Zer'a Yaekob's Hateta and release the translations for encouraging discussion on the treatise in 2013. Zer'a Yaekob's Hateta has also been translated into Amharic in 2014 by the well-known scholar, the late professor Getachew Haile. In this document, the writer presents a draft document containing the writer's Amharic translation of the full treatise of Zer'a Yaekob with some English excerpts from treatise of Zer'a Yaekob and of Wolde Heywet.



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