Published November 30, 2022 | Version Second
Other Open

D8.6 The SENTINEL QA plan and periodic monitoring report – second version


The Quality Assurance plan is an internal document of the SENTINEL project, which is delivered in the context of Work Package 8, (“Project Management, Coordination and Quality Assurance”), to reflect the project activities conducted under the task T8.1: “Project Quality Planning and Monitoring”.

This document provides updates on the project organization, procedures, roles and responsibilities related to the quality control and assurance activities previously reported in D8.5 (M3) which will be finalized in M36 via the release of D8.7. The report is based on the Grant Agreement and Consortium Agreement thus can be viewed as complementing document with respect to project’s quality assessment.



D8.6_The SENTINEL QA plan and periodic monitoring report – second version.pdf