Published September 5, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Open

high-resolution, daily hindcast (1990-2021) data of Alaskan river discharge and temperature

  • 1. University of Colorado Boulder


These data are describe in the paper “A high-resolution, daily hindcast (1990-2021) of Alaskan river discharge and temperature from coupled and optimized physical models” that was submitted to WRR. There are three files within this directory.

1. River_Segment_Locations.csv

A detailed description of each document is as follows.

River_Segment_Locations.csv: Contains a list of all the river segment vectors used in the study. For a brief description of each column, see below.

1. COMID: The unique identifier for each river segment
2. Latitude: The centroid latitude of each river segment in decimal degrees
3. Longitude: The centroid longitude of each river segment in decimal degrees
4. Outlet_COMID: The unique identifier of the basin outlet. This ID will be used to select files within the .zip files. Contains the daily river discharge data from January 1990 - September 2021. Files are broken down by basin, denoted by the Outlet_COMID, and the calendar year. Each file is a netCDF file that contains the river discharge (IRFroutedRunoff) in m3 s-1. Contains the daily river temperature data from January 1990 - September 2021. Files are broken down by basin, denoted by the Outlet_COMID, and the calendar year. Each file is a netCDF file that contains the water temperature (T_stream) in degrees Celsius, the air temperature (T_air), and the headwater temperature (T_headwater) in degrees Celsius.


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