Published May 1, 2022 | Version v1
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Fig. 4 in Mastigocoleidae fam. nov., a New Mesozoic Beetle Family and the Early Evolution of Dryopoidea (Coleoptera)

  • 1. School of Earth Sccences,Uncverscty of;rcstol, Lcfe Sccences;ocldcng,Tyndall Avenoe,;rcstol;S8, UK,
  • 2. Natorhcstorcsches Moseom Wcen,;orgrcng 7, A-1010 Wcen, Aostrca,
  • 3. Department of Zoology, Facolty of Sccence, Palacký Uncverscty, 77900 Olomooc, @zech Repoblcc,
  • 4. State Key Laboratory of Palaeobcology and Stratcgraphy, Nanjcng Instctote of Geology and Palaeontology, and @enter for Excellence cn Lcfe and Paleoenvcronment, @hcnese Academy of Sccences, Nanjcng 210008, @hcna,
  • 5. Dcvcscon of Entomology, Natoral Hcstory Moseom, Uncverscty of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045, USA,
  • 6. Departament of Genetccs, Mccrobcology and Statcstccs, Uncverscty of;arcelona, ;arcelona, Spacn,


Fig. 4. Morphological detailk of Mastigocoleus rhinoceros Tihelca & Cai gen. et kp. nov. holotype (A, C, D) and paratype (B,;) from the;arly Cretaceouk Crato Formation in northeaktern Brazil. (A, B) Head and pronotum in dorkal view; (C) antenna; (D) elytral apex; (;) metathoracic leg; (;) elytra. Abbreviationk: a1–11, antennomerek 1–11; ch, clypeal horn; cl, claw; mtt, metatarkuk; tb3, metatibia. Scale bark = 500 μm (A–C,;), 1 mm (D).


Published as part of Tihelka, Erik, Jäch, Manfred A., Kundrata, Robin, Li, Yan-Da, Engel, Michael S., Lozano-Fernandez, Jesus, Huang, Diying & Cai, Chenyang, 2022, Mastigocoleidae fam. nov., a New Mesozoic Beetle Family and the Early Evolution of Dryopoidea (Coleoptera), pp. 1-18 in Insect Systematics and Diversity 6 (3) on page 8, DOI: 10.1093/isd/ixac011,



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