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Published September 1, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Faculty of Architecture, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Large world exhibitions are conceived as reviews of all the achievements of the individual man and his communities (states, companies, various associations and groups) at the highest possible level, with the highest and most authentic representativeness imaginable. In this way, the topic and content of this work is the most complex possible overview of architecture. In his practice as a university professor, the author very rarely met architecture students who were able to join a great architect with contemporaries from other scientific disciplines, art and philosophy. Similarly, for the students, citing examples of the most successful architectural solutions on certain topics and their precise placement on the time scale was a huge problem. Namely, not having an idea of a complete world architecture (on the complete space of the Earth and through the complete time in which we find preserved traces and complete architectural works), necessarily leads to a fragmentary understanding of architecture, which is necessarily impoverished. Today's opportunities to get to know architecture (as well as any other human achievement) around the world, leads to the appearance of plagiarism, which surpasses its ethical-legal dimension to such an extent that it can be considered the most disastrous for the process of 'searching for architecture', which is often more significant than architectural achievement in itself. The author is convinced that this work will help every reader in his 'search for architecture', in the search for answers to questions about the essence of man, society, nature and their mutual relations. He should encourage young people that each of them, as well as the physical and social space in which they live, has authentic values that can be expressed through their creative placement in a mosaic of general human, general social and universally natural values. If, along with following one of the exhibitions, the reader of this work reads a literary work, listens to a musical composition, visits a theater performance, studies a scientific or technical discovery from the time of the exhibition in question, then he will 'relive' the image of the time to such an extent that he will attend the reality of the exhibition, more realistically from any virtual performance. This work refers to the perception of architecture (and its natural and social environment) in the broadest total and in the most precise detail.



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