Published August 31, 2023 | Version v1
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Time series of flow measurement and water quality monitoring at a large combined sewer overflow in Berlin


The table contains 3 years CSO monitoring time series, already split in 22 separated CSO events. All details about the monitoring set up in the papers and reports indicated below.


  • evtID: event ID
  • myDateTime; date/time
  • v: m/s velocity
  • Q: m³/s flow
  • TSS: mg/l TSS concentration
  • COD: mg/l COD concentration
  • CODf: mg/l dissolved COD concentration
  • EC: µS/cm electric conductivity
  • NH4_N: mg/l NH4_N concentration

TSS and COD have been measured with a spectrometer using a linear local calibration as presented in Lepot et al., 2016.

ore information about the monitoring set up in 

Sandoval, S., Torres, A., Pawlowsky-Reusing, E., Riechel, M., Caradot, N. (2013): The evaluation of rainfall influence on CSO characteristics: the Berlin case study. Water Science & Technology Vol. 68 (12): 2683-2690 10.2166/wst.2013.524

Caradot, N. (2012): Continuous Monitoring of Combined Sewer Overflows in the Sewer and the Receiving River: Return on Experience. Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH; MIA-CSO Project Report

Riechel, M., Matzinger, A., Pawlowsky-Reusing, E., Sonnenberg, H., Uldack, M., Heinzmann, B., Caradot, N., von Seggern, D., Rouault, P. (2016): Impacts of combined sewer overflows on a large urban river - Understanding the effect of different management strategies. Water Research 105: 264-273 10.1016/j.watres.2016.08.017

Caradot, N., Sonnenberg, H., Riechel, M., Matzinger, A., Rouault, P. (2013): The influence of local calibration on the quality of UV-VIS spectrometer measurements in urban stormwater monitoring. Water Practice & Technology Vol 8 (No 3-4): 417-425 10.2166/wpt.2013.042

Lepot, M., Torres, A., Hofer, T., Caradot, N., Gruber, G., Aubin, J.-B., Bertrand-Krajewski, J.-L. (2016): Calibration of UV/Vis spectrophotometers: A review and comparison of different methods to estimate TSS and total and dissolved COD concentrations in sewers, WWTPs and rivers. Water Research 101 (15 September 2016): 519-534 10.1016/j.watres.2016.05.070


The presented work was carried out in the framework of the KWB research project MIA-CSO. The project is funded by Veolia Water and Berliner Wasserbetriebe. The authors would like to thank all colleagues from Berliner Wasserbetriebe, Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment (SenStadtUm) and Veolia Water who supported the project.



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