Reproductive System and fecundity of the blue Swimming Crab Portunus pelagicus from the northwestern Arabian Gulf, Iraq
- 1. Dept. of Marine Biology, Marine Science Centre, Univ. of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq
- 2. Dept. of Fish and Fisheries Resources, Collage of Agriculture, University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq
It is possible to distinguish between males and females in types of crabs in general through the abdominal region, which is narrow in males and broad in females, as well as by opening the cover of the abdominal region. In males, a pair of peleopods can be seen, which are organs attached to the male reproductive system. It has two parts, the wide part, which is located at the bottom of the base of the abdominal cap, and the long tubular part. In females, when the abdominal cover is opened, eight pairs of feathers can be seen located below the base of the abdominal cap. The male gonads are distinguished by white color, located on the right and left of the abdomen, while the female gonads are internally colored. Yellow to orange, the absolute fecundity rate (egg/individual) for the female swimming blue crab ranged between (82711.7 - 2187239.74), and the relative fecundity rate of blue crab females was between (1416.9 - 9688.8) eggs/g.
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