Published August 29, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Guidelines for the students' projects and research reporting formats

  • 1. University of Graz
  • 2. CLARIN Eric


This document offers instructions for teachers to define project learning outcomes, assessment, and evaluation strategies. Additionally, we provide practical guidance for issues like managing research data during the project and depositing research outputs in a public research data repository. Considerable emphasis is placed on research reporting by providing teachers with templates for various reporting formats that can be adapted and shared with students. We distinguish between long formats (e.g. standard research reports) and shorter formats, e.g. blog posts, oral and recorded presentations, and posters. Project reporting skills in different forms and for various audiences will benefit students in the workplace regardless of their career path.


UPSKILLS IO3 Task 3 - Formulation of student research projects.pdf

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