Published January 31, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

Unveiling fungal detoxification pathways of the cruciferous phytoalexin rapalexin A: Sequential L-cysteine conjugation, acetylation and oxidative cyclization mediated by Colletotrichum spp.


Pedras, M. Soledade C., Thapa, Chintamani (2020): Unveiling fungal detoxification pathways of the cruciferous phytoalexin rapalexin A: Sequential L-cysteine conjugation, acetylation and oxidative cyclization mediated by Colletotrichum spp. Phytochemistry (112188) 169: 1-11, DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2019.112188, URL:



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