Published August 28, 2023 | Version 1.0
Working paper Open

A Resource-Based conception for the analysis of the European Pillar of Social Rights: implication for further developments

  • 1. University of Milan


The objective of this paper is to apply the resource-based conception developed by EUSOCIALCIT to the EPSR and to the actions, measures, and initiatives adopted to implement it since its inception. The conception views social rights as bundles of power resources: normative (broken down in deontic and legal), instrumental and enforcement resources. The availability of such power resources is a necessary condition for a concrete fruition of the content of social rights on the side of individuals. As a first step, we identify the social rights mentioned in the 20 EPSR principle. Then, we map the initiatives adopted since the proclamation of the EPSR in 2017 and identify the power resources they introduce. Our aim is to provide an overview of the advancement of the implementation of the EPSR principles: we do not evaluate the substantial impact of the individual measures, but we limit ourselves to taking stock of the adopted initiatives, in order to gauge the degree of implementation for each of the 20 principles in terms of the power resources they provide.

The paper is structured as follows. In the next section, we present our resource-based approach. Then, in section 3, we use it to analyse the EPSR and its related initiatives. In section 4, we focus on instrumental resources: first, we elaborate a conceptualisation of instrumental resources; then, we identify the instrumental resources established by the EPSR and by the Action Plan and focus on 4 policy areas: work-life balance, minimum income, childcare, access to social policy. Section 5 concludes. The conclusion wraps up and provides a summary evaluation of the state of implementation of each of the 20 principles. The paper also includes 3 appendixes. Appendix A is a breakdown of the EPSR, where we identify the 27 rights established by the 20 principles. Appendix B lists the 48 EPSR-related measures which establish power resources, broken down by EPSR principle, and contains a judgement on the implementation of each principle. Appendix C contains explanatory tables of 17 particularly important EPSR-related measures.


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European Commission
EUSOCIALCIT – The Future of European Social Citizenship 870978