Published August 23, 2023 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open

A Generic Model for Benchmark Aerodynamic Analysis of Fifth-Generation High-Performance Aircraft

  • 1. The University of Newcastle
  • 2. The University of Sydney


Openly available supplementary data to accompany paper Data set includes geometry, Pointwise (2022.1.2) and Fluent (2022R1) grid files and corrected experimental data for lift, drag and pitching moment at a freestream velocity of 20 m/s and standard sea level conditions for the SSAM-Gen5 model. When using this data, please cite:

Giannelis, N.F.; Bykerk, T.; Vio, G.A. A Generic Model for Benchmark Aerodynamic Analysis of Fifth-Generation High-Performance Aircraft. Aerospace 2023, 10, 746.


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