Evaluation of economic activities in rural areas in the circle of Kati: case of the village of Dangassa
Economic activities in rural areas in Mali are related to the specificities of the different regions. These activities are most often the first sources of income for the populations. The control of the possible socio-economic links between the different activities carried out in these environments can make it possible to improve the level of income of the populations. However, few scientific studies have been conducted on the socio-economic links of activities in rural areas. It is with this in mind that this study was conducted in the village of Dangassain order to list the activities of the population and in order to assess the various socio-economic links of the activities carried out in the said village. To carry out this study, a survey was conducted with a sample of 200 individuals chosen in a non-probabilistic context (quota method) due to the absence of an exhaustive list of the population. The evaluation of the links was made using a descriptive approach, the cross-sorting method and the Chi-square test of independence.
This analysis shows that 95% of the people surveyed practice agriculture, 89.47% of them do it as their main activity, 10% as a secondary activity and 0.53% as a third activity. As for breeding, 72.5% practice it, of which 6.9% as a main activity, 84.14% as a secondary activity and 8.96% as a third activity.
22% of respondents practice commerce, 15.91% as their main activity, 20.45% as a secondary activity and 63.64% as a third activity.
As a result, the chi-square test of independence shows that the pairs of variables agriculture-breeding, breeding-trade, sex-agriculture, sex-trade are not independent.
On average, those who mainly practice agriculture, livestock and trade are respectively 50.17 years old, 46.40 years old and 37.86 years old.