Published August 22, 2023 | Version 1.0
Presentation Open

EUCEI Task Force 5: Markets and Sectors - Workshop 2 outcomes: Technology mapping of MetaOS use cases


Within the context of characterising different use cases, a workshop with Research and Innovation Projects developing MetaOS for the Cloud-Edge-IoT continuum was held. The goal was to identify sector specific needs and requirements per use case. The Use Case Catalogue is an overview of the results from the workshop, where the Research and Innovation Projects aerOS, FluiDOS, ICOS, NebulOuS, NEMO and NEPHELE go into detail on use cases in 7 different sectors, including agriculture, logistics and energy.

The objective of the preliminary Use Case Catalogue is to provide a clear and detailed overview of the vision as well as the requirements for each MetaOS use case that is worked on by the Research and Innovation Projects.
For each of the over 20 use cases presented, the catalogue introduces them with an overview as well as its objectives and expected benefits. Furthermore, after displaying the most relevant stakeholders, location, constraints, challenges and risks, it takes a user centered impact by demonstrating the user specific needs addressed by each use case. It concludes the depiction of the use case by showcasing its necessary tech components.

Discover more about getting involved in CEI use cases at our upcoming Meet&Greet event on the 20th of September:


EUCEI_Catalogue of Use Cases_TF 5.pdf

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European Commission
UNLOCK-CEI – Unlocking the Cloud Edge IoT demand potential in Europe 101070571