Published December 1, 2013 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Effects of Passive Smoking on the Placental Barrier: A Light Microscopic Study

  • 1. Department of Anatomy, Subharti Medical College, Delhi-Haridwar Bypass Road, Meerut -250002 (U.P.)
  • 2. Pathology, Subharti Medical College, Delhi-Haridwar Bypass Road, Meerut -250002 (U.P.)


Passive exposure to tobacco smoke causes ultrastructural changes in placental vasculature. It was endeavoured
to observe under the light microscope, the endothelial cells of the capillaries and to look for microscopic changes in the
vasculosyncytial membranes in the terminal villi of placentae of passive smokers exposed largely to bidi smoke. To study
effect of passive smoking on placental vasculature a total of 150 placentae were selected from healthy full term gravidas
with no history of tobacco use. They were divided into two group viz; passive smokers (n=87) and non passive smokers-
control (n=63). Three micron thick sections were cut, stained and examined under light microscope. The study revealed
that endothelial cells of stromal capillaries of the placental villi were oedematous resulting in irregular capillary lumina
(p=0.0007) and vasculosyncytial membrane was significantly absent in terminal villi of passive smokers in comparison to
control (p=0.0000).


1 Dr.Srividya Sreenivasan.pdf

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