Published September 9, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Study to Check Efficacy of Essential oil of Two Melaleuca Species in the Treatment of Infectious Diseases

  • 1. Department of Life sciences, University of Management and Technology Lahore Pakistan
  • 2. University of Central Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan


Purpose of this study was to evaluate antibacterial activity of oil extract obtained from parts (leaves) of Melaleuca species against bacterial strains to treat infectious diseases such as Urinary Tract Infection. In general, extracts obtained by extraction method showed antibacterial activity against different tested microorganisms. Agar well diffusion method was used to evaluate antibacterial activity against ten pathogens which include 7 different strains of E. coli, 2 strains of Klebsiella pneumoni and 1 strain of Entercoccus faecalis. According to the results of this study, Essential oils of Melaleuca plant showed the good antibacterial action of the bacterial strains due to the measurement of clear zone of inhibition but antibiotic susceptibility assay was more appreciable. Antibiotics are used as positive control and ethanol as negative control along with it. In conclusion, Extracts of Melaleuca species found to be containing chemical compounds useful in the treatment of many infectious diseases such as urinary tract infection, acne and many other skin diseases.

