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Published August 17, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Machine Learning Applications In Healthcare: The State Of Knowledge and Future Directions

  • 1. Computer Science, Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, Illinois, USA.
  • 2. Doctoral Student, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA.
  • 3. BGC Trust Medical College, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
  • 4. Analyst, Enterprise Project Management, CareFirst BCBS, Maryland, USA,



Detection of easily missed hidden patterns with fast processing power makes machine learning (ML) indispensable to today’s healthcare system. Though many ML applications have already been discovered and many are still under investigation, only a few have been adopted by current healthcare systems. As a result, there exists an enormous opportunity in healthcare system for ML but distributed information, scarcity of properly arranged and easily explainable documentation in related sector are major impede which are making ML applications difficult to healthcare professionals. This study aimed to gather ML applications in different areas of healthcare concisely and more effectively so that necessary information can be accessed immediately with relevant references. We divided our study into five major groups:  community level work, risk management/ preventive care, healthcare operation management, remote care, and early detection. Dividing these groups into subgroups, we provided relevant references with description in tabular form for quick access. Our objective is to inform people about ML applicability in healthcare industry, reduce the knowledge gap of clinicians about the ML applications and motivate healthcare professionals towards more machine learning based healthcare system.

Keywords: Machine Learning, Healthcare, Community Health, Telemedicine, AHC Screening



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