Published August 15, 2023 | Version v3
Software Open

Replication package for: "Evaluating the accuracy of counterfactuals: Heterogeneous survival expectations in a life cycle model"

  • 1. Tilburg University


The package contains all the code necessary to reproduce the figures and tables in De Bresser (forthcoming) "Evaluating the accuracy of counterfactuals: Heterogeneous survival expectations in a life cycle model." Review of Economic Studies. Detailed instructions are also given about accessing the raw data.

The zip-file uploaded on July 5th 2023 refers to figures and tabels in offline and online appendices. In the final manuscript all appendices are placed online. The zip-file uploaded on July 6th 2023 refers to tables and figures according to the single, concatenated, online appendix. 

The zip-file uploaded on August 15th 2023 includes a revised README which includes a reference to the data used in the paper and a table with the exact names and versions of the data files. Moreover, it includes the configurations of soft- and hardware that have been used to run the analysis. This .zip file with fingerprint md5:20fecc66eb1604f3125384d9e375d427 is the final version.


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