Published May 11, 2023 | Version 2023
Journal article Open

Effects of Working from Home on Employee Productivity: A Study on the Education Sector of Pakistan

  • 1. Assistant Professor


Pakistan faces numerous challenges in providing quality education to all its citizens, particularly online education. In this study, we examined the relationships between elements connected to working from home such as work-life balance, Employees Mental health, Technological advancement, Employee Performance, and Jobs satisfaction.  The information was collected throughout Karachi. Clifton, Gulshan- Hyderi- Nazimabad, and I.I Chundrigar Road, Tariq Road, and Zamzama]. Despite the population's high degree of intermixture, the small samples (600 hundred people were chosen, and 100 people from each area were interviewed with equal gender i.e. both male and female). The Analysis of data is based on the triangular method to see the impact on productivity. In the triangulation approach, we have used a combination of qualitative and quantitative data sources and methods, such as surveys, interviews, observations, and document analysis. The path analysis was conducted using hypotheses testing and discriminant validity using Fornell and Larcker criterion (FLC). The results of the PLS algorithm technique suggest that Working from home has a positive impact on employee performance. Work-life balance has moderating effects while working from home. Working from home increases the efficiency of employees in the organization.  The mental health of employees has a positive effect on working from home.  Job satisfaction is achieved while working from home. Technological development has accentuated work from home. Future research could focus on the long-term effects of remote work and designing measures to cope with those issues.



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