Deliverable D2.1. Requirements and specifications of the AEGIR solution
Research groups:
- Mediavilla, Asier1
- Areizaga, Pedro José1
- López de Guereña, Jon1
- Pastorelly, Nicolas2
- Chen, Weiwei3
- Kelin Tillmann4
- Konstantinou, Thaleia5
- Jäger, Andreas6
- Braco, Elisa7
- Fernández, Mireia8
- Rubio, Marcela Cecilia8
- Brottier, Laetitia9
- Nuñez, Miguel Ángel10
- González, Diego11
- Knospe, Olaf12
- Boucher, Jérémie13
- Jousserand, Claudine14
- Minderhoud, Tom15
- Speer, Martin16
- 1. Tecnalia
- 2. CSTB
- 3. University of Cambridge
- 4. T U Delft
- 5. TU Delft
- 6. ICLEI
- 7. BeePlanet
- 8. COMSA
- 9. Dualsun
- 10. ENAR
- 11. ICM
- 12. Westaflex
- 14. Chazelle
- 15. UNStudio
- 16. GEZE
AEGIR relies on modular and industrialized solutions, renewable components and energy management systems to improve the way energy is used. These solutions facilitate the implementation of nZEB buildings in different socio-economic contexts through the organised digitalisation of the projects, from industrialised manufacturing to commissioning and building operation, leading to drastic cost and time reductions. This document is the first technical deliverable of AEGIR and is written after only 3 months of the project launch. The report aims to establish the main requirements and specifications for the design of the AEGIR solutions for both physical and digital components, for sustainable and environmental aspects and for replication.
In the first part of this report, the objectives of AEGIR in general and of this deliverable in particular are introduced. Second section aims to have an overview of the list of AEGIR components that will be developed by AEGIR partners and to highlight in a shceme the linked between them. Two families of components are listed here: the physical components and the digital components. Third and fourth parts are dedicated to go more into details for each components respectively for physical and digital ones. After a short description of the component and the way that it will be improved in AEGIR, some first lists of specifications, requirements and KPI are introduced for each component. The fifth part is dedicated to sustainable and environmental requirements with an introduction to LCA standards and LEVEL framework that will be used during AEGIR. Finally, Section six paves the way of replication requirements with an overview of initial guidance on which replicability dimensions should be explored to ensure higher market uptake of AEGIR solutions in future.
This knowledge foundation will support planning, development and implementation activities of partners, who will be driving the AEGIR pilot projects and solutions – often in parallel processes.