3D-rhi-synth-2000- Synthetic Rhinophyma Visual Dataset
- 1. Dublin City University
In the real world, only a handful of data is available for the Rhinophyma skin condition, typically numbering in the hundreds. This repository contains a Synthetic Dataset of Rhinophyma, generated through 3D head models of one male and one female. The purpose of this data generation is to address the data scarcity of the Rhinophyma skin condition within the medical visual data and computer vision community. By generating such data, we aim to bridge the gap in data scarcity for this disease condition, as well as introduce a proof-of-concept methodology for generating synthetic data for specialized disease conditions.
The highlight
folder 'highlight_female_male_rendered' provides a glimpse of the entire dataset. The file '2000_deformations.npy
' contains the 2000 values of deformations applied during rendering.
The dataset is divided into two main folders: 'female_rendered' and 'male_rendered'. Within each of these folders, there are three subfolders: 'configu', 'images', and 'points.
1. 'configu': This subfolder contains `.json` files with configuration details for each model. The files include various parameters, such as:
- "total_num_cameras": the total number of cameras.
- "active_camera_name": the name of the active camera.
- "camera_focal_len": the camera's focal length.
- "camera_loc": the camera's location.
- "camera_rot": the camera's rotation.
- "nose_deformation_severity": a measure of the severity of nose deformation.
- "label": the label for the model (e.g., "Severe").
- "nose_variants": additional details about nose variants.
2. 'images': This subfolder contains the rendered images in resolution 960x540. They are named according to the following convention e.g.'Nose_Deformation_Severity_0_2.716669764843742_Camera_00001', with specific details related to the deformation severity and camera number. There are images for 10 different cameras.
3. 'points': This subfolder contains polygon files corresponding to each model. These files represent the deformations applied to the models during rendering.
|-- Dataset Root
|-- female_rendered
| |-- configu
| | |-- Nose_Deformation_Severity_0_2.212930927821943_Camera_00001.json
| | |-- Nose_Deformation_Severity_0_2.212930927821943_Camera_00002.json
| | |-- ...
| |
| |-- images
| | |-- Nose_Deformation_Severity_0_2.212930927821943_Camera_00001.png
| | |-- Nose_Deformation_Severity_0_2.212930927821943_Camera_00002.png
| | |-- ...
| |
| |-- points
| | |-- Nose_Deformation_Severity_0_2.212930927821943.ply
| | |-- ...
|-- male_rendered
|-- configu
| |-- Nose_Deformation_Severity_0_2.716669764843742_Camera_00001.json
| |-- Nose_Deformation_Severity_0_2.716669764843742_Camera_00002.json
| |-- ...
|-- images
| |-- Nose_Deformation_Severity_0_2.716669764843742_Camera_00001.jpg
| |-- Nose_Deformation_Severity_0_2.716669764843742_Camera_00002.jpg
| |-- ...
|-- points
|-- Nose_Deformation_Severity_0_2.716669764843742.ply
|-- ...
Together, these folders and files comprise a dataset designed to represent and analyze the Rhinophyma condition in both male and female 3D head models that we have created. These 3D models will be made available upon a genuine request to the authors of this dataset.
Additional details
- Science Foundation Ireland
- SFI Centre for Research Training in Digitally Enhanced Reality 18/CRT/6224
- Computer Vision
- Medical/Clinical Image Analysis
- Deep Learning
- Synthetic Data/Generation