Published July 2, 2017 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

TrackVes Dataset

  • 1. Politecnico di Milano, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
  • 2. University College London
  • 3. Ospedale Niguarda Ca' Granda, Milano - AIMS Academy
  • 4. Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
  • 5. Politecnico di Milano


The TrackVes dataset provides to the computer assisted surgery community a dataset for the validation of soft tissue tracking algorithms.

It is composed of nine folders:

EV1:3          - 3 video sequences of ex-vivo organs (kidney and liver);
IV1:6           - 6 video sequences of in-vivo organs (real abdominal surgical scenes);

Each folder contains:

videoLeft.avi    - video sequence;
GT.xml             - xml file with ground truth defined as a 2D polygon around the area to be tracked, with an interframe step of 10;
Attributes.xml  - xml file indicating one of the following attributes associated to each frame (with an interframe step of 10):

      0 - Safety Area Visible (SAV);
      1 - Partial Occlusion (PO);
      2 - Safety Area Out of Field of View (OFV);
      3 - Total Occlusion (TO);
      4 - DEFormation (DEF);
      5 - Illumination Changes (IC);
      6 - Abrupt Camera Motion (ACM);
      7 - Blur (BLR);
      8 - Presence of Smoke (SMK).

The C++ code implementing the ground truth generation and the tracking algorithm evaluation is available on Bitbucket - as:


If you use this dataset, please cite:

V. Penza, X. Du, D. Stoyanov, A. Forgione, L. Mattos and E. De Momi. "Long Term Safety Area Tracking (LT-SAT) with Online Failure Detection and Recovery for Robotic Minimally Invasive Surgery", Medical Image Analysis, 2017.

For further information, please contact




The record is publicly accessible, but files are restricted to users with access.

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Only people interested in using this dataset for research development.

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  • V. Penza, X. Du, D. Stoyanov, A. Forgione, L. Mattos and E. De Momi. "Long Term Safety Area Tracking (LT-SAT) with Online Failure Detection and Recovery for Robotic Minimally Invasive Surgery", Medical Image Analysis, 2017.