Published June 30, 2017 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Protein Structure Initiative Publications, 2000-2016

  • 1. Protein Structure Initiative and University of Virginia
  • 2. Protein Structure Initiative and Rutgers University


These files contain the full list of the 2313 publications and book chapters written as part of the Protein Structure Initiative, from 2000-2016.  This data was collected from PubMed and by manual entry by the PSI Structural Biology Knowledgebase's Publication Portal, managed by Wladek Minor at University of Virginia.  These files were created at the end of the PSI project on June 30, 2017.

The references are provided as lists in two formats:

  • in CSV (comma-separated variables) format that can be read in Excel or other spreadsheet application, or
  • an Endnote Library Import file (store-endnote-pubs).  To import this library into Endnote, select File --> Import... and then under Options, select the Import Option "Endnote Library Import".  Then this text file will be processed and loaded into the library.

--created by the Structural Biology Knowledgebase, July 5, 2017.  (



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