Published June 30, 2017 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г. С. Сковороди


The article substantiates the necessity of reorienting the system of preparation future preschool children teachers in a pedagogical university on the basis of reforming the educational strategy from the Gnostic paradigm of education to the Competence paradigm, taking into account the changes in the functions of the preschool teacher in the framework of a competence approach with an emphasis on the key competencies development in children. Relying on the modern understanding of the competence approach as a set of innovative theoretical and methodological methods and techniques for designing goals, content, technologies and educational results, it is established that the basis of this approach is the ideas of the pragmatism and constructivism philosophy. The analysis of modern theoretical and practical research made it possible to reveal the specifics of the laws, principles and key aspects of the education future preschool children teacher’s based on the constructivism ideas. Among the main scientific approaches that reveal the modern understanding of pedagogical constructivism were identified: the concept of cognitive development by J. Piaget, L. Vygotsky's theory of social development, D. Dewey's theory of pragmatism.It is determined that pedagogical constructivism is a theory and practice of teaching and learning, which provides for the construction by an individual of new knowledge through his own mental activity, activity and social interaction. It is determined that the modern educational process in the university should provide for a change in the educational function of the teacher from an active knowledge translator to a supporting motivator, facilitator; organization of student oriented training; participation of students in the learning process development and organization with the aim of constructing their own knowledge and experience; creation of a favourable, safe, motivating learning environment and be aimed at training a new formation teachers that are able to realize the constructivism ideas in working with children of preschool age.



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