Published August 2, 2023 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Context and Considerations for Investigating the Impact of Learning by Doing on Student Equity

  • 1. VitalSource
  • 2. University of Central Florida


Digital learning environments generating large volumes of student data have made it possible to study learning methods and determine effective teaching and learning behaviors. For example, integrating formative practice with text content in a learning by doing approach is highly effective for learning for all learners. When applied in a classroom setting, this method supports increased engagement and outcomes. However, what has yet to be investigated is the impact this method has for the equity gap of at-risk student populations. For universities serving these students, identifying any approach to closing these equity gaps is paramount. In this work, we address the context for this research investigation and discuss important considerations to move forward interpreting the relationship between learning method and student characteristics.


Context and Considerations for Investigating the Impact of Learning by Doing on Student Equity.pdf