Published August 2, 2023
| Version v1
Quantitative three-dimensional local order analysis of nanomaterials through electron diffraction
- 1. University of Bremen
- 2. Leibniz University Hannover
- 3. Czech Academy of Sciences
- 4. Oxford University
Diffraction data for Yttrium Stabilized Zirconia Zr0.82Y0.18O1.91
Electron diffraction data:
- FEI Tecnai G2 microscope
- 200 keV electrons
- Cheetah detector (ASI, 512 x 512 pixel)
- Condenser Aperature 10 micrometer, spot size 9
- Exposure 1.512 s / frame, rotation 0.4 deg/frame
- raw data was processed with PETS2 (
X-ray diffraction data:
- Rigaku Syneergy S diffractometer
- Eiger 1M Detector, energy discriminating threshold 17.4 keV
- Mo K-alpha radiation
- 120 s exposure time, 0.5 deg/frame
- Raw data can be processed with CrysAlisPro (
Neutron diffraction data:
- D19 ILL, Grenoble
- 0.95 A wavelength
- 80 s exposure time, 0.1 deg/frame
- Raw data can be accessed at doi:10.5291/ILL-DATA.5-13-277 and processed with the Instrument software Int3D (
Reciprocal space reconstructions and 3D-DeltaPDF maps
Provided in .h5 format and can be vizualized e.g. with DISCUS ( or DensityViewer (