Published August 2, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Global in situ ocean POC flux compilation dataset


Global dataset of 1,841 in situ carbon flux (C flux) estimates measured at 100 ± 75 m using sediment traps and 234Thorium methods. Start date (column 2), and End date (column 3) indicate the dates (dd/mm/yyyy) at which C flux measurements started and ended. Duration (column 4) indicates the time period over which the C flux was measured (assumed at 16 days for 234Th-derived measurements, see Materials and Methods). Lat (column 5) and Lon (column 6) indicate the Latitude (º) and Longitude (º) of the measurements. C flux (column 7) are reported in mg C m-2 d-1. Method (column 9) indicates the method used for the measurements (1 for 234Th and 2 for sediment traps). Reference ID refers to the origin of the measurement (list given in header).


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