There is a newer version of the record available.

Published August 1, 2023 | Version v2.40.1
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This patch release of MAPL 2.40 has a minor workaround for using NAG which prevents reading values from ESMF Config files that have been set using SetAttribute().

All tests show it to be zero-diff to MAPL 2.40.0

The libraries this version of MAPL is currently tested with are below. (This is a change since MAPL 2.39)

  • Baselibs 7.14.0
    • netcdf-c 4.9.2 (Needed for quantize support, but not required for all of MAPL)
    • netcdf-fortran 4.6.1 (Needed for quantize support, but not required for all of MAPL)
    • ESMF 8.5.0 (required)
    • GFE 1.11.0
      • gFTL 1.10.0
      • gFTL-shared 1.6.1
      • pFUnit 4.7.3 (optional)
      • fArgParse 1.5.0 (if -DBUILD_WITH_FARGPARSE=YES, default=YES)
      • pFlogger 1.9.5 (if -DBUILD_WITH_PFLOGGER=YES, default=YES)
      • FLAP geos/v1.10.0 (if -DBUILD_WITH_FLAP=YES, default=NO)

Also, if you build with -DUSE_F2PY=ON, you will need:

  • ESMA_cmake v3.31.0

We recommend most external users set -DUSE_F2PY=OFF

From Fixed
  • Workaround for NAG which prevents reading values from ESMF Config files that have been set using SetAttribute(). The immediate issue appears to be due to a wrong CPP conditional on `ESMF_HAS_ACHAR_BUG', but it is not immediately clear if this is due to recent changes in ESMF or some change in NAG. Probably ESMF though. Once the ESMF core team analyzes we will potentially update this fix.
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