Published August 23, 2023 | Version v1
Report Open

Net zero computing: scoping UKRI's journey to sustainable digital research infrastructure


  • 1. National Centre for Atmospheric Science
  • 1. Science and Technology Facilities Council, Centre for Environmental Data Analysis
  • 2. King's College London


This report provides an overview of the evidence and recommendations from the UKRI Digital Research Infrastructure (DRI) Net Zero Scoping project.

The scoping project was undertaken during 2021-2023 to establish the scope of applicable knowledge currently available for how UKRI's digital research infrastructure could reach net zero. This report provides a high level summary of the project. It describes how to approach operating the DRI while achieving net zero. A more detailed Technical Report is also available.



This work is funded by the UKRI Digital Research Programme on grant NERC (NE/W007134/1). The project website is


Net Zero DRI - Summary Report - Final - Aug 2023 - distrib.pdf

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