Published July 26, 2023 | Version v1
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Career guidance in early education is an important aspect in the upbringing of a child and the development of skills that will be necessary for a successful career and self-knowledge. In this regard, the study of professional orientation in play activities with the help of pedagogical design is an urgent issue in the process of educating older preschoolers. The purpose of the study is to study the aspects of the use of pedagogical design tools during the play activities of older preschoolers with early career guidance. Methods of analysis, comparison, generalization are used in this work. As a result of the study, it was possible to study aspects of project activity in the game forms of early career guidance work with older students of preschool educational institutions. The periodization of professional orientation for Ginsberg was also studied. In this paper, the early period of the child's career guidance "fantasy" is analyzed and thoroughly investigated. The study also presents variants of play activities in modern preschool education as elements of early career guidance work with older preschoolers. The scientific study highlighted the tools of gaming activity during the early career guidance of older preschoolers, namely the use of the Laptop project, augmented reality and artificial intelligence systems, as well as the MeTycoon game, which includes video materials and information about professions. The results of this scientific work can be used by researchers and scientists studying the use of pedagogical design in the process of professional orientation through games, as well as educators of preschool educational institutions who are engaged in early career guidance activities.


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