Published December 14, 2012 | Version v1
Report Open

Risk assessment of Escherichia coli exposure in the food chain in the Slovak Republic


  • 1. Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic


Escherichia coli  is one of the best known and most studied microorganisms. This bacterial species has cosmopolitan presence, including the gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals, where it is one of the most important representatives of intestinal microflora, and is also found in water, air and soil. The aim of this work is to characterize and summarize general information about the Escherichia coli species, pathogenic species and their impact on human health. It is important to know the health risks of these pathogenic microorganisms and potential sources of infection. In addition, the intent is to apprise expert community of current laboratory diagnostics and research for the purpose of identification of Escherichia coli, to provide epidemiological information about its occurrence in Slovakia as well as about international cooperation of national reference laboratories of the EU. This work is instrumental in obtaining all relevant information in order to prevent occurence of infections and to help resolve food safety issues in SR.


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