Published July 29, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Assessing the Durability Variation of Asphalt Concrete under Variable Binder and Constant Strain

  • 1. Professor, Sarsam and Associates Consult Bureau (SACB), Baghdad-IRAQ. Former Head, Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Iraq.


A major issue in the sustainability concept of asphalt concrete mixture is its durability performance. Reservation of the asphalt concrete wearing course layer quality after practicing ageing or moisture damage was identified and assessed in the present investigation. Asphalt concrete mixtures were prepared using (4.3 and 4.8) % binder content, then compacted in the laboratory in a slab form with the aid of roller. Shaft examples were gotten from the chunk tests and tried for protection from dynamic flexural stresses under steady microstrain levels of 400 and 750. It was observed that the resistance to the flexural stresses increases significantly when the binder content rises from (4.3 to 4.8) % for the control, aged, and moisture damaged specimens. However, when the constant microstrain levels rises from (400 to 750), the flexural strength declines for the control, aged, and moisture damaged specimens prepared using the same binder content. It was concluded that the binder content is significant issue in the sustainability of asphalt concrete.


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