Published July 26, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Public Relations Plans and Goals of Education Management Employees



When schools have strong engagement both internally and with the community in general, they have a greater chance of being successful. This engagement may take place on any level. Because of this, there need to be ongoing collaboration and communication between the educational staff, the parents, and the society. The more intimate subset of "public" that is referred to using the word "community" On the other hand, they are the ones who reside the closest to the institution. Kirk Hallahan (2003: 5) said that a persuasive argument can be made to establish the community as the conceptual emphasis for analyzing and performing public relations, notwithstanding the prominence of the public structure. In point of fact, the term "community relations" could be a more suitable moniker for this line of work. To argue this claim, you will need to look at the structure of the community from a more comprehensive point of view, which requires you to go beyond more limited ways of thinking about it. According to research conducted by the Department of Educational Administration at Yogyakarta University (2011), the procedure of implementing educational public relations is comprised of a number of different steps and procedures. They plan, carry out, investigate, and assess, as well as provide ideas. The first thing that has to be done is to have the major informative contents (messages) ready so that they may be sent to the public audience. In addition, we worked out the wording of the purposes and objectives that we hoped to attain via participation in this activity, as well as the required apparatus, the time, the location, and any other chances that may provide assistance. Implementing the strategy or making the necessary preparations is the second step. In terms of public relations, we are now in the process of carrying out the tasks that we have planned and aspire to achieve in the future. It is necessary for the message to be communicated successfully in every case, regardless of the type(s) of media used. In a similar vein, time, space, or any of the several pieces of supplementary equipment must be utilized successfully and efficiently. The third step is to conduct an investigation on the responses of the community or the wider public. At this stage in the procedure, we are attempting to ascertain whether or not the actions are carried out and whether or not there is a favorable response from the community. It's possible that the response will come in the shape of financial assistance, ideas, or help personnel, but it may also come in the form of moral support. Evaluating the results and continuing to exercise control over them is the fourth step. At this juncture, we examine the recently initiated public relations projects to see whether or not they have been effective in accomplishing the objectives that were intended for them to accomplish. The actual standard is made up of 122 goals that were developed earlier on in the process of development.


Article - Namik Adiguzel - Public Relations Plans and Goals of Education Management Employees.pdf