Fidicinoides ferruginosa Sanborn & Heath 2014, sp. n.
- 1. Department of Biology, Barry University, 11300 NE Second Avenue, Miami Shores, FL 33161 - 6695, USA
- 2. 104 Hummingbird Circle, Buchanan Dam, TX 78609, USA
Fidicinoides ferruginosa Sanborn & Heath, sp. n.
(Figure 1)
Fidicina sp. Bolcatto et al. 2006, p. 7, 8, Fig. 1F.
Fidicina sp. De Santis et al. 2007, p. 4, 17, 18, Table 1, Fig. 1F.
Fidicinoides ferruginosa nom. nud. Sanborn et al. 2011a, p. 5, 8, Table 3.
Type material.— ARGENTINA. HOLOTYPE: male (INHS), “ Córdoba / Mina Clavero / 12 Dec 1986 / Al Sanborn Coll.”. PARATYPES: two female same data as holotype (one INHS, one MSHC); three male and one female same data as holotype except “F. Noriega Coll.” (two male MSHC, one male and one female AFSC); one female (MSHC) “ Córdoba / 10 km W Salsacate / 7 Dec. 1981 / M.S. & J.E. Heath Coll. ”; one female (MSHC) “ Santiago / del Estero, 6.5 km No. / of Ojo de Agua. 15 Dec / 1986. J.E. Heath Coll. ”; two female “ Córdoba / Saltos Blancos / 7–I–1980, L. Strange, / R. Woodruff” (one FSCA, one AFSC); one female (MSHC) “ Córdoba / La Cumbre 7 Dec / 1981 — J. Heath Coll. ”.
Etymology. The species is named for the reddish ground coloration.
Diagnosis. —The species is part of a group of Fidicinoides species that possess lateral pile on the mesonotum giving the appearance of stripes. The new species can be distinguished by the lacking infuscation on their forewings which is found in F. descampsi Boulard & Martinelli, 1996, F. jauffreti Boulard & Martinelli, 1996, F. pauliensis Boulard & Martinelli, 1996, F. poulani Boulard & Martinelli, 1996, F. pseudethelae Boulard & Martinelli, 1996, F. saccifera Boulard & Martinelli, 1996, F. sucinalae Boulard & Martinelli, 1996. The light color of the lateral mesonotum in the new species rather than the lateral mesonotum being the ground color distinguishes it from F. distanti (Goding, 1925), F. variegata (Sanborn, 2005), and F. yavitensis Boulard & Martinelli, 1996. Both F. determinata (Walker, 1850) and F. picea (Walker, 1850) differ from the new species by their greenish ground color, ochraceous abdomen, no black in the basal cell of the forewing, and the lateral mesothoracic black marking not extending to the cruciform elevation. Fidicinoides lacteipennis (Distant, 1905) is distinguished from the new species by its brownish ochraceous ground color, no black in the basal cell of the forewing, the lateral mesothoracic black marking does not extending to the cruciform elevation and is known only from the Amazon. The most similar species to the new species is F. vinula (Stål, 1854) rev. stat. but the new species can be distinguished by black marking in the basal cell of the forewing, the entirely black timbal cover, the rounded posterolateral opercular margin, the U-shaped posterior of the basal lobe of the pygofer, and the lateral uncal lobes are folded against the medial uncus lobes in the new species.
Coloration.—Ground color ferruginous marked with piceous.
Head.—Head about 1.1X as wide as mesonotum. Large piceous mark on frons and vertex, not reaching eyes, surrounding ocelli except posterior of median ocellus, extending anteriorly onto supra-antennal plate along frontoclypeal suture. Small piceous mark on posterior head slightly curved laterad about one third distance to eye. Eye ringed with piceous, posterior to eye piceous. Anterior supra-antennal plate tinged with green, ground color in most paratypes. Ocelli rosaceous, eyes dark green. White pile on frons, more dense and/or extending over piceous mark on vertex in some paratypes, very long white pile posterior to eye and on ventral head. Postclypeus rounded anteriorly, centrally sulcate with 12 transverse grooves and white pile laterally. Piceous mark along frontoclypeal suture with arching extensions into transverse grooves on anterior surface, extensions reduced or absent in some paratypes. Lateral transverse grooves marked with piceous, longest centrally forming arch when viewed from side. Central sulcus piceous ventrally, mark extending laterally along posterior margin. Anteclypeus ferruginous medially, piceous laterally, piceous marks almost fusing along anterior midline. Mentum ochraceous, labium castaneous with piceous tip reaching to posterior coxae. Gena ferruginous with central piceous stripe between postclypeus and eye. Lorum castaneous anteriorly, piceous posteriorly, piceous region varies from one-third to two thirds of lorum in paratypes. Scape tawny, remaining antennal segments piceous.
Thorax.—Pronotum marked with fuscous posterior to anterior margin except at midline, mark extending into anterior portion of paramedian and lateral fissures. Piceous mark on disc between paramedian and lateral fissures about midpoint of paramedian fissure. Piceous mark in ambient fissure at end of lateral fissure. Pronotal collar lighter than disc with piceous mark on anterior lateral angle, piceous mark absent in some paratypes. White pile in lateral ambient fissure, some paratypes with pile in lateral and paramedian fissures. Mesonotum ferruginous with ochraceous lateral surfaces. Mesonotum piceous on submedian sigilla, anterior and lateral portion of lateral sigilla extending to cruciform elevation, scutal depression, and transverse mark connecting scutal depressions along anterior margin of cruciform elevation that extends anteriorly along midline. Marks in submedian sigilla, lateral sigilla and transverse mark along anterior cruciform elevation reduced in some paratypes. Long, dense white pile laterally giving the appearance of a white stripe, pile very thick to absent in paratypes. White pile at anterior paramedian fissure and black pile between anterior arms of cruciform elevation in some paratypes. Wing groove fuscous, metanotum piceous. Ventral thoracic plates ochraceous except piceous basisternum 2, trochantin 2, meron 2, medial and anterior katepimeron 2, medial episternum 3, anterior basisternum 3. Lateral episternum 2 fuscous in some paratypes. Venter covered with dense, long, white pile.
Forewing and hind wings.—Hyaline. Venation piceous except green costal margin to node, cubitus posterior + anal vein 1, cubitus anterior along posterior basal cell becoming ochraceous, ochraceous cubitus anterior 2, and tawny distal four fifths of anal vein 2 + 3, green faded to tawny in some paratypes. Basal cell green proximally, piceous anterodistally, hyaline posterodistally. Infuscation in proximal clavus. Basal membrane reddish gray. Hind wing venation piceous except ochraceous costa, radius anterior to radial crossvein, proximal three fourths of radius posterior, cubitus anterior, cubitus anterior 1, mediocubital crossvein and median vein 3 + 4. Anal vein 2 and median vein 2 ochraceous in some paratypes. Vanal fold, anal cell 3, anal cell 2 along anal veins 2 and 3, anal cell 1 along anal vein 2 and proximal half of anal vein 1, cubital cell 2 along proximal half of anal vein 1 and proximal third of cubitus posterior, cubital cell 1 along proximal third of cubitus posterior and proximal one fourth of cubitus anterior, proximal fourth of medial cell, and base of radial cell and costal cell reddish gray distally margined with infuscation.
Legs.—Ochraceous tawny marked with fuscous, greenish in some paratypes. Coxa fuscous laterally, fore coxa striped, and anteriorly marked with fuscous near junction with trochanter. Trochanter with fuscous mark anteriorly, largest in middle trochanter. Fore femur distolaterally ferruginous with oblique, piceous primary spine, larger, upright secondary spine, and small, oblique distal spine, spines along fuscous ridge. Middle and hind femur with ferruginous stripes and ochraceous distal ends. Tibia striped with ferruginous, tibial spurs and comb castaneous with fuscous tips. Tarsi ferruginous, pretarsal claw tawny with fuscous tips. Legs with white pile, more dense in some paratypes.
Operculum.—Male operculum ochraceous, fuscous anteriorly between middle of base and medial margin, not reaching posterior margin of sternite II. Lateral margin straight, posterolateral margin extended beyond sinuate posterior margin, medial margin rounded, barely reaching lateral coxa. Meracanthus ochraceous with fuscous base. Operculum covered with white pile, very dense at base, some paratypes with dense pile covering entire operculum. Female operculum and meracantus similar to male in shape and coloration but smaller.
Abdomen.—Tergites piceous with ferruginous hind margin, tergite 1 ferruginous medially, tergites 2–8 ferruginous laterally, proportion decreasing in posterior tergites. Long silvery pile laterally and on posterior margin, dense on epipleurites. Black pile dorsolaterally in some paratypes. Timbal cover piceous, incomplete, dorsolateral margin straight, angled anteriorly to ventroanterior right angle and straight ventral margin, covered with silvery pile laterally, black pile posterior to timbal cavity in some paratypes. Sternites tawny, ochraceous medially and along posterior margin. Sternites III–VI semitransparent. Sternite VII tawny anteriorly, ochraceous posteriorly with depression in posterior margin. Spiracles white. Sternite VIII ochraceous. Silvery pile on sternites, additional short, castaneous pile on posteromedial sternite VIII.
Male genitalia.—Pygofer ferruginous with tawny mark on posterior to distal shoulder, dorsal beak absent, anal styles ochraceous. Pygofer basal lobe bent mediad, medial margin pointed. Median uncus lobe rectangular recurved dorsally with rounded terminal margin. Lateral uncus lobes curved under median lobes forming an acute angle. Aedeagus castaneous, narrowing to a curved point, fuscous along margin which bears four tooth-like extensions.
Female genitalia.—Sternite VII tawny with lateral ferrugninous spots, posterior margin with medial notch, lateral posterior margins rounded. Abdominal segment 9 ferruginous, fuscous dorsolateral mark anteriorly which may extend to posterior margin in paratypes, fuscous mark on ventroposterior margin in some paratypes. Long, white pile on dorsal and proximal lateral surface. Anal styles ferruginous, not as long as dorsal beak. Gonocoxite IX ferruginous, ovipositor sheath piceous with long white pile near tip. Ovipositor sheath extending slightly beyond tip of dorsal beak.
Measurements (mm). —N = 6 males or 6 females, mean (range). Length of body: male 29.3 (27.4–31.4), female 29.2 (28.0–31.0); length of forewing: male 38.5 (36.4–40.3), female 40.0 (38.6–41.4); width of forewing: male 12.8 (12.4–13.3), female 13.8 (12.6–14.4); length of head: male 5.0 (4.7–5.3), female 5.3 (5.1–5.5); width of head including eyes: male 12.4 (11.55–13.2), female 12.8 (12.2–13.9); width of pronotum including suprahumeral plates: male 13.0 (12.4–13.6), female 13.6 (13.2–14.1); width of mesonotum: male 11.3 (10.7–11.9), female 11.3 (11.25–12.3).
Notes. —We found F. ferruginosa sp. n. distributed around the north and west of the Córdoba Mountains in Córdoba Province. Bolcatto et al. (2006) also illustrate a specimen from Santa Fe Province. The species is associated with the Monte floristic region (Sanborn et al. 2011a).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- Event date
- 1980-01-07 , 1981-12-07 , 1986-12-12 , 1986-12-15
- Family
- Cicadidae
- Genus
- Fidicinoides
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Hemiptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Sanborn & Heath
- Species
- ferruginosa
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype , paratype
- Verbatim event date
- 1980-01-07 , 1981-12-07 , 1986-12-12 , 1986-12-15
- Taxonomic concept label
- Fidicinoides ferruginosa Sanborn & Heath, 2014
- Bolcatto, P. G., Medrano, M. C. & De Santis, C. (2006) Cuando cantan las chicharras: un contrapunto entre fisicos y biologos. ECO LOGICA, No. 14, 6 - 10.
- De Santis, C. L., Medrano, M. C., Sanborn, A. F. & Bolcatto, P. G. (2007) Cicadidos (Insecta: Hemiptera: Cicadidae) del Museo Provincial de Ciencias Naturales " Florentino Ameghino " Santa Fe, Argentina. Museo Provincial de Ciencias Naturales " Florentino Ameghino " Serie Catalogo, No. 19, 1 - 19.
- Sanborn, A. F., Heath, J. E., Phillips, P. K., Heath, M. S. & Noriega, F. G. (2011 a) Thermal adaptation and diversity in tropical ecosystems: evidence from cicadas (Hemiptera, Cicadidae). PLoS ONE, 6 (12), e 29368. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1371 / journal. pone. 0029368
- Boulard, M. & Martinelli, N. M. (1996) Revision des Fidicini, nouveau statut de la tribu, especes connues et nouvelles especes (Cicadomorpha, Cicadidae, Cicadinae). Premiere partie: Sous-tribu nouvelle des Fidicinina. Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Travaux du Laboratoire Biologie et Evolution des Insectes Hemipteroidea, 9, 11 - 81.
- Goding, F. W. (1925) Synopsis of the Cicadidae of Ecuador. Revista del Colegio Nacional Rocafuerte, 7, 1 - 34.
- Sanborn, A. F. (2005) Fidicina variegata, a new cicada species from Costa Rica (Hemiptera: Cicadomorpha: Cicadidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 98, 187 - 190. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1603 / 0013 - 8746 (2005) 098 [0187: fvancs] 2.0. co; 2
- Walker, F. (1850) List of the Specimens of Homopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. British Museum Trustees, London, 260 pp. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 9063
- Stal, C. (1854) Nya Hemiptera. Ofversigt af Svenska Vetenskaps Akademien Forhandlingar, 11, 231 - 255.