Published July 23, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Research-based teaching: Guidelines and best practices

  • 1. University of Graz
  • 2. CLARIN Eric
  • 3. University of Malta
  • 4. University of Rijeka
  • 5. University of Bologna
  • 6. Idiap, University of Malta
  • 7. University of Geneva
  • 8. University of Zurich


This document constitutes the central deliverable of the IO2 ‘Best practices and guidelines for research-based teaching’. It addresses the topic of the research-teaching nexus and provides guidelines for individual lecturers meant to assist them in developing both well-elaborated views on the research-teaching nexus and putting these views into practice through the inclusion of their own ongoing research into ongoing teaching in the form of research-based teaching courses.


UPSKILLS IO2 Task 1 - Integrating research into teaching.pdf

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