Published July 4, 2023 | Version v2
Lesson Open

Data Manipulation using Pandas Library


This dataset includes scores from three test scores of students at a (fictional) public school and a variety of personal and socio-economic factors that may have interaction effects upon them.

Data Dictionary (column description)

  1. Gender: Gender of the student (male/female)
  2. EthnicGroup: Ethnic group of the student (group A to E)
  3. ParentEduc: Parent(s) education background (from some_highschool to master's degree)
  4. LunchType: School lunch type (standard or free/reduced)
  5. TestPrep: Test preparation course followed (completed or none)
  6. ParentMaritalStatus: Parent(s) marital status (married/single/widowed/divorced)
  7. PracticeSport: How often the student parctice sport (never/sometimes/regularly))
  8. IsFirstChild: If the child is first child in the family or not (yes/no)
  9. NrSiblings: Number of siblings the student has (0 to 7)
  10. TransportMeans: Means of transport to school (schoolbus/private)
  11. WklyStudyHours: Weekly self-study hours(less that 5hrs; between 5 and 10hrs; more than 10hrs)
  12. MathScore: math test score(0-100)
  13. ReadingScore: reading test score(0-100)
  14. WritingScore: writing test score(0-100)


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