Published April 30, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Indications and complications of double J Stents: A comprehensive review

  • 1. Department of urology, Hassan II, University Hospital, University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah, Fez, Morocco.


Objectives: To describe the different complications of the JJ catheter, and to determine the association between the duration of implantation and the occurrence of complications.

Patients and methods: Retrospective descriptive study of 37 cases of patients with complicated ureteral stents collected from January 2016 to April 2017;

Results: The average duration of implantation was 7months and 10d, 37 patients (mean age 41. 5) were included: 26 men and 11 women, the most frequent complication was encrusted JJ (70.2%), followed by urinary tract infection (21.6%), an endo-urological treatment was chosen in first intention and consisted in the extraction of the double J catheter under cystoscopy (with recourse to an endolithotomy in case of encrusted JJ), allowing to obtain a very good results.



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