Published July 20, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Restricted

D1.2 - Quality assurance and risk management


The Quality assurance and risk management plan is a comprehensive document that outlines the guidelines on project management and coordination activities that will be used by the members of the MareGraph consortium. The purpose of this plan is to provide a framework for identifying potential risks, mitigating those risks, and ensuring that quality standards are maintained throughout the organization. The plan also outlines the processes and procedures that will be used to ensure that quality standards are maintained throughout the organization. This includes setting quality goals and objectives, establishing metrics for measuring performance, and implementing continuous improvement processes.

What is defined in deliverable D1.1 also contributes to this quality assurance plan. We will outline how the quality and risk management program will be monitored and evaluated, including the types of data that will be collected, the frequency of reporting, and the methods of communication that will be used. By following the processes and procedures outlined in the plan, the organization can identify and mitigate potential risks, ensure that quality standards are maintained, and continuously improve its performance.



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